World of Cowlauncher

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Goodness Everywhere

New demos on XBOX Live are Katamari Damacy and Bioshock and both games are luscious. You all must download and enjoy Bioshock. Its creepy and the graphics are top notch. Tomorrow will bring Hexic 2 and Ecco the Dolphin for the Arcade. I never did master the first Hexic so I am not sure about that one. I never got into Ecco either. This may be my shot to see what all the hoopla was about.
The Wii is all about Metroid this month. Metroid 3 will be out soon and it looks like Mother Brain makes an appearance.
Virtual Console brings Shining in the Darkness for the Genesis this week. I was heavily into this game when it came out. A fun easy dungeon crawler with a Disney-esque art style. Alot of hours went into that game many years ago. It never went portable though. Not even in the SG compilations. Bummer.
Checking out the Gamestop list today and I saw Samba De Amigo for a February release for the Wii. I can't f'n wait, man. There is no info anywhere on the web about this though. I love Wiki.
I really been playing Guitar Hero 2 lately. I get better by the day, but hard mode is still way too tough for me. Got the 500 combo achievement today. Felt really good. The goal this week is to 5star all the medium songs. Might take 2+ weeks.
I still check out Gametap now and then. Some really cool games on there. They are at almost 1000. 81 Genesis games already. Nice!
Oh yeah, and Jacob is up to 12 lbs. He is adorable!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another Supernova 2 AC Beta???

Why can't I get a beta kit? That would be the bizomb. Anywho, more info and (kinda) awesome videos here.

Paranoia Hades?? Trip Machine Phoenix? Sign me up for this bad boy. Latest word on the street is that the arcade version will be out January at the earliest.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Broken Promise

This was on the back of the manual for Dragon Warrior 7 for the Playstation. They were gonna localize the PS1 remake of the NES classic. Needless to say, I am still waiting for a release. On the DS PLZ!

A Good Week

Last week was a blast with the stomache flu. I hope I get another dose. Put me out of commsion for 36 hours. But I'm back in the game.
Here we go!
Wii released a newer slightly different interface for the shop. Meh. They can do better. There are some yummy offerings in the shop this week. Galaga 90 and Wave Race 64. OMG Wave Race. I put so many hours into that game. I actually imported it from Japan because I couldn't wait. It was the best import purchase I ever made. I had that game mastered up and down, side to side. It was amazing for its time. The water effects were smooth and luscious. Playing on the Drake Lake stage was amazing because you would start off with a smooth reflective morning lake covered in patches of fog and by the 3rd lap, the water would be rough and the fog lifted. Awesome stuff, Nintendo. Downloaded. I couldn't get into the Gamecube sequel though. Not really sure why. It was almost the same game.
Galaga 90 was a gem as well. Take Galaga, add some cool sound effects and music and some scrolling stages and you get the 90. Loved it. I downloaded this as well.
Blizzard announced the Lich King expansion this weekend. Enough to make my monkey wiggle. New Hero class, new tradeskill, new continent, and increased level cap. Won't see this one until January at the ealiest.
Boogie comes out this week.. . I need to read a good review first.
Been playing Aegis Wing this week. I love it. Wish I coulda got into it months ago when people were playing it.
Dragon Quest 4-6 being remade for the DS! Please bring this to the Americas!! I beg!
GTA gets delayed until next year. Almostkindamaybe saw that coming. Never got into GTA but I guess its about as good as it gets for open world western (not Japanese) style gaming.
The 360 takes a price dive this week. Down $50 from before.
Track & Field comes out for the Arcade tomorrow. Not too excited but I'll be playing it. I hope it aged better than Yie Ar Kung Fu.