World of Cowlauncher

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Pokemans

Let me show you them.

Starcraft 2!

Blizzard announced Strarcraft 2 in Korea this weekend. Good stuff. I was hooked on the original very hard. The videos and the shots look wonderful to say the least. I hope it playes better than Warcraft 3 did.
I may have to dust off the old gems and give them a wirl for nostalgia sake. I wonder how the cheating on is going.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Real Life Zelda

Good stuff. Had me lol-ing at a few points.

Don't forget that we are all getting a free Xbox Live Arcade title tomorrow, Aegis Wing. Some info can be found at Joystiq's site here.

Week of Shrek

Lots of Shrek 3 games coming out this week and thats about it. The only one of interest is Etrian Oddysey for the DS. Other than that, I downloaded Ninja Gaiden for the Wii Virtual Console. I passed on Ninja Spirit and Pacman. By the way, Joystiq keeps a nice page for VC stuff here.

Also, i have been watching the guys at They run a good show, but they are very critical of alot of stuff. I disagree with their crappy review of Hotel Dusk. They also take some tough stabs at Gamestop in general. Other than that, good show.

Warning: mindless rant ahead incoming.
Talking about Gamestop, they do take alot of slack for their business practices. Sure its a pain in the neck to be asked every visit for a reserve, hint book, warranty, memory card, etc. As long as the cashier , ie "register biscuit" isn't being rude about it, it shouldn't bother you. Gamestop is a big company but they are not a big money maker. Of course you are not making a great deal by trading in your old games. Its convenience. If you want a fair deal, sell your game to your buddy or some stranger on Ebay. Of course I only say this because i like the staff at Shakopee
End rant

Famitsu is Still MIA

I ordered it from over 6 weeks ago and I have yet to see my first issue. Prolly not their fault, but this comic is related to my pain. I called them up and they told me that they will "look into it" and that I should call them back in 10 days....I'm sure it will take 2 weeks to find out where my magazine is...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

This Week on Wii

Not a bad week for the Wii, but I want to see much better. Nothing in the way of true gaming classics to be spoken of. Final Fight for the SNES, Ordyne for the T-16, and Mighty Bomb Jack for NES. Rumors of Double Dragon for the 360 Arcade. Thats what I want to see. Classic Arcade games that are online and cheap please.
Been really playing the WoW lately. Working on my low level warrior and druid. I have been calling Darkshore my home. Its a nice zone. Yes it is.
Speaking of WoW, I found a rare loot card in the Dark Portal set. I am not sure if I want to sell it or redeem it on my character. I'm still looking for those that will play the game with me. I guess I can use the Upper Deck player locator, but me too shy.

Happy Wedding

I just want to congratulate my sister and the Dark One on their journeys to the land of the wedded. These past 2 weekends were 2 cool parties keeping my wife and I busy. These pictures were from my sister's wedding on Saturday. They hired a traveling photo booth which was alot of fun. These pics include the Cowlauncher himself, my wife Teri, my mother, sister, mother-in-law, and nephew. Great times and a congratulatons to her. No more weddings for awhile please!

Friday, May 04, 2007

A Cowlauncher Approved Blog This guy posted in my last update. I like his stuff. His blog would be similar to mine if I wasn't such a WoW junkie. Great updates on the 360 gamage. His wording is smarter than mine also. Bravo sir. I will visit often.
I pat myself on the back here for passing the SuperNova Challenge course, World Tour with a 84.2% Another course for the taking!