World of Cowlauncher

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Virtual Ware

Holy Nuggets! Super Contra sneaked in with Wing Commander this Week for the Box. I loved Super Contra in the arcade. I have fond memories of a video rental joint near my house in Brooklyn that actually had this game. I never saw this game in any other arcade. I gots it now and its all good.

Where's Wii? WoW!

Where is it? I can't find one anywhere. Seriously. It is a marvel of mankind. Are they holding back supplies to increase the demand? Unlikely. Even though they (Nintendo) makes money on each Wii sold, the real money is in the software and Virtual Console. They are doing ok. Latest word is that they are closing in on the 360 with almost 10 million Wiis sold worldwide. The fact that Nintendo are gods in Japan helps. Microsoft has shipped almost 12 million worldwide which isn't too shabby either. Rumor is a price drop in the amount of $50 is coming soon.
World of Warcraft has 9 million subscribers now? Fo' Shizzle? I can't believe it. I'm surprised that WoW has not been launched in Japan. They are too busy playing the DS or FFXI or even Lineage 2.
I am playing EQ2 again. I rolled a bard on the Guk server with some buddies from my work. Not spending all my time on it, but its just as fun as I remember. Lots of nice upgrades since I quit last year.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Castlevania SOTN for PS3 and PSP

This is one of the best things to come out of the Playstation Store in awhile. The DS Castlevanias were classics, but nothing beats Alucard's romp through this 10 year old Playstation classic. Its finally portable! I know I just forked over moneys for the 360 version, but this is worth it. Konami knows how to break my wallet. Nice work.
Konami will also be extracting more and more this holiday season with the releases of 3 new DDR games for home console and Castlevania Dracula X for the PSP.

New Jacob Video

He was so wide awake and alert that day. I had to roll with it.
Hit him with a 5 Star rating because he is THAT cute =)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Supernova 2 Arcade E-Amuse!

Things are shaping up qite nicely for this so far. Lots of pretty good songs on the radar. And now, this!
Looks like we are getting the "E-Amuse" system from Japan. That is a big step for DDR arcade games.
A quote from Bemanistyle: "On the first time you enter your name, password, location, and you have the option of entering your weight to track calories.The mode, character, difficulty, song, and modifiers you last picked are all remembered the next time you play."
Very very nice. Looks like it wont be out for another month or so.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

M(E3)1 Today!

I like tooting my own horn and cheering for my own team, so happy birthday Cowlauncher. I have attained the tender rank of age 31. Didn't do too much but hung out with Tommy and Paul at the mall. I also went to see Oceans 13. Played some softball too. I am too tired to catch G4's E3 coverage now so maybe tomorrow. I'll just end up reading the highlights online in the morning.
So...E3 is tomorrow and most companies announced their games appearing at the show. No surprises here, but I was really hoping for Sega to announce a Samba game for the Wii. Time will tell. Yep.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

SuperNova 2 Arcade

Coming soon I guess. Hopefully next month as promised. The US test goes on this next weekend which means the game is almost done. I can't wait to see what they added to the game. E3 will also tell all. Thanks to DDRFreak

Also, if you haven't checked out the NoobToob yet, they just uploaded a "best-of" 15 min video of their silly shenanigens. I like these guys alot. They are really growing on me and their balls to the wall reviews are fairly solid.

Friday, July 06, 2007

EBA Cleared

I finally cleared Elite Beat Agents. Gonna give the game a rest for now. Best DS game I played since Castlevania. Now I will work on Final Fantasy for the PSP.


This is the first year in 10 years that I can't go to E3 and I'm bummed and excited at the same time. I always looked forward to going on vacation, but the truth is that it was always alot of work and hassle. Also, the pre-show excitement built to such a point that E3 would usually end up letting me down. So many hopes for new games that would never show. Now I can keep up to date on the goings on right from the comfort of home thanks to the magic of the internets and even G4 with live coverage of this new Min-E3.
Got my new camera, but I have been a bit busy. Gonna upload some pics of Jacob soon. He is just about 5 weeks old now =)