World of Cowlauncher

Friday, January 04, 2008

Saving for Supernova 2 Upgrade

So the upgrade comes out this month apparently. The upgrade will be software only so it won't be so expensive. Alot of the DDR community is pissed at Betson for not adding E-Amuse support and are ready to boycott the game. I think thats a bit extreme. I love unlocks as much as the next crazy DDR player, but I'm not gonna avoid the game if it doesn't have unlocks. Look at the first Supernova. No unlocks at all and it still did well. The 2nd one should do even better.

So to save up some moneys for the upgrade, I have been selling a bunch of stuff on Ebay. stuff that I didn't plan on touching for awhile and will probably rebuy when it gets cheaper.


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